This exquisitely beautiful White Garden Rose & Lily Luxury Hand-Tied Bouquet epitomises luxury and opulence. A grand gesture, whatever the occasion may be.
In shades of white, this bouquet comprises the finest 'Princess Miyuki' Garden Roses and Double 'Roselily' Oriental Lilies. This bouquet is truly a feast for the senses, the strong perfume from the Garden Roses is heavenly, paired with the delicate, sweet scent from the Lilies creating the perfect pairing.
When this bouquet is delivered, the Lilies are in bud. Once the Lilies start to open they will provide a spectacular display, full of fragrance.
Presented in either our signature luxurious packaging or a large vase (+£12).
This 'White Garden Rose & Lily': Luxury Hand-Tied Bouquet is exclusive to Jeremiah's Floral Design and has been designed with care by Jeremiah O'Neil.
Please Note: Due to availability, individual stems may vary from those shown in the product description and image. If such an occasion occurs, we will carefully substitute flowers for each individual stem with flowers of similar colour, style and value. The quality of our floral designs will always stay the same - The highest quality possible.
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PriceFrom £115.00
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